Reaffirming Our Vision

(June 19, 2020) As a human rights and justice organization promoting the inherent worth and value of every individual in society, PathPoint condemns the murders of George Floyd and countless other Black people. We firmly stand against all forms of discrimination and violence against marginalized populations.
We are dedicated to supporting people with developmental disabilities and mental health diagnoses and we support everyone who faces discrimination and does not have equal rights or the same privileges and opportunities as others. We are against racism which is an issue that directly affects people with disabilities that are also Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC). Our vision is to build compassionate, inclusive, and equitable communities where all individuals have the opportunity to thrive. To enact such a vision, we support a world where Black Lives Matter.
Internally, although we have made progress towards being an inclusive culture, we know there is much more that we can be doing. We have had robust discussions and will prioritize bringing forth the voice, viewpoints and perspectives of our BIPOC colleagues. We will continue to evolve, learn, and do better.
We send our deepest sympathies to the families of the victims and to all those grieving. We pledge our commitment to fight racism, discrimination, inequities and injustice.