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Exciting news – We’ve Merged! On July 1, 2024, Kids & Families Together merged with PathPoint. We are stronger together! For more information, please visit this page:

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Employers and Partners

Your Business & PathPoint: Partners in Creating a More Accessible Workplace for All

In today’s marketplace, disability inclusion can give companies the competitive edge. Hiring people with disabilities benefits both companies and individuals. You gain a dedicated and qualified employee, and a person with a disability or other barriers to employment gains a job, independence, and a valued place in the community. It’s a partnership that makes sense for you, your business, and your community.

If you need information, additional resources, or assistance from a disability employment specialist, PathPoint can help your company achieve its disability employment goals. 

Employment Information

Learn more about common questions that employers have about providing job opportunities for people with disabilities

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Employer Resources

Access a wealth of external resources related to disability employment

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