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Careers Counseling Center Assistive Technology
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Resource Guide

About the Guide

Do you think assistive technology could support you but you are not sure where to start? It might seem like a good idea to purchase the latest and greatest technology, but in order to be successful you have to think through the process.

What are your interests and goals? Where will you use it? Who can support you? What training is needed for you and your support team?

This guide takes you through the process of using Person-Centered tools to help you plan and prepare for incorporating technology into your daily life with the right supports. The process is broken down into four phases. Each tool is explained using examples of real individuals with blank templates for you to try out the tool. The best way to use this guide is to complete each tool and assessment in order.

Downloadable English and Spanish PDFs below



Getting to know you
see pages 9-20

Relationship map

Identifying your support circle

Relationship map

One Page Description

Important information about you on one page

One Page Description

Decision-Making Profile

How you make decisions and like to receive information

Decision-Making Profile

see pages 21-28

Tech Assessment and Support Plan

Assessing your tech needs and creating a support plan

Tech Assessment and Support Plan

Individual Environment Task & Tools (IETT)

Assessing the individual, environment, task and tools

Individual Environment Task & Tools

Tracking & Training
see pages 29-36

Learning Log

Daily record of what you learn and strategies to support you

Learning Log

4+1 Questions

Questions to reflect on progress and address challenges

4+1 Questions

Tech Summary
see pages 37-40

One Page Tech Description

One page summary of how to best support your technology needs

One Page Tech Description



Para Conocerlo
ver páginas 9 a 20

Mapa de Relaciones

Identifi cación de su círculo de apoyo

Mapa de Relaciones

Descripción en una Página

Información importante sobre usted en una página

Descripción en una Página

Perfil de Toma de Decisiones

Cómo toma sus decisiones y cómo le gusta recibir información

Perfil de Toma de Decisiones

ver páginas 21 a 28

Plan de Tecnologia Asesoramiento y Apoyo (TASP)

Evaluación de sus necesidades tecnológicas y preparación de un plan de apoyo

Plan de Tecnologia Asesoramiento y Apoyo

Persona, Ambiente, Tarea e Instrumentos (IETT)

Evaluación de la persona, el ambiente la tarea y el instrument

Persona, Ambiente, Tarea e Instrumentos

Capacitación y Seguimiento
ver páginas 29 a 36

Registro de Aprendizaje

Registro diario de lo que aprende y estrategias que lo apoyan

Registro de Aprendizaje

4+1 Preguntas

Preguntas para reflexionar en el progreso y afrontar los retos

4+1 Preguntas

Resumen Tecnológico
ver páginas 37 a 40

Descripción de la Tecnología en una Página

Resumen en una página sobre la manera de apoyar mejor sus necesidades tecnológicas

Descripción de la Tecnología en una Página